Saturday, November 12, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 316 - Party on Steve!

Big gay birthday night out for my wonderful friend Stephen M.

Waiting for a taxi on Coulson Street, not a bus, trust me

Fahmi trying to attract the attention of a passing taxi
Started out at 7 p.m. at Gotham, a swanky but relaxed bar on Oxford Street where we drank wine, got to know each other (Steve had brought about three different groups of friends together), and enjoyed the beautiful air conditioning before heading up to Pink Peppercorn.

Fahmi, Was & me
My gorgeous guy and I
This restaurant serves Laotian food, and the last two times I have been here the food was delicious. It was still tasty but seems to have declined somewhat under its new owners, and the banquet the group of us (15 in all) was not really worth the money. Its a pity since it is Steve's favourite restaurant, but we managed to have fun regardless, drink a lot of wine, and get ready for dancing at Palms, a daggy but oh-so-much-fun nightclub next door.

Adrian, Fahmi and Mathew

About to blow out the candle

Was hiding behind the wine

The birthday big and his cake
 Perhaps I'd had lots to drink but I had a ball. Palms is one place where you can be as daggy as you want and no one cares. Whereas some gay clubs are full of attitude, and guys so full of themselves that their upturned noses are being circled by clouds, Palms is refreshingly down to earth and therefore, FUN. We had  a ball and Steve enjoyed his birthday which was the important thing!

Was and the birthday boy, Steve


Steve & Fahmi

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