Sunday, November 06, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 310 - Tinsel and Eid

I was full of hope today. 

How fetching is my lovely guy

Zombie drugged out wise men!

Pretty lights! Pretty liiiights!

Throbbing red heart of light rope

Waz choking himself on festive lights

Tacky pigs for a centrepiece? I say not!

Limbo Santa!

Surfer dude devil Santa

Creepy Santa reading in the depths of sample sale area... very eerie & Dr Who-like
When my gorgeous guy, Waz and I set off for two Christmas stores to have a look for possible new additions to our Christmas collections - in my case quite large already and not really needing any new ornaments, or tinsels of anything but hey a gay boy can dream of finding something funky and cool to add right ? - I hoped that we'd find something interesting, something that rose above the usual dross in most Australian Christmas stores. With the Christmas Cave lost to bankruptcy, and it's fun collection of items gone with it, we have to make do with what's left, and frankly it's not inspiring. 

Yes the tinsel is bright and colourful but the ornaments are ordinary-looking and cheap and nasty, and not even close in fabulousness to the ornaments you'll find in the USA (or UK I'm told), the trees REALLY plastic looking, and honestly not a thing stood out save for some ice cube making trays in red (Santa) and green (reindeer) that should add a little festive fun to proceedings. Still we had a ball being repulsed by it all, I tweeted my lack of inspiration with (hopefully) funny comments) and we rocked on to Fahmi's about 1 p.m. for DELICIOUS satay sticks, lots of wine, dips, chips and olives (courtesy of the IGA we found on McEvoy Street), and time with Fahmi's cute cat Simone (pron. Sim-o-nay). Such a relaxed, chilled afternoon with good friends, rounded off with a nap back at my place (without Waz or Fahmi I should add!)....

Jacaranda in Coulson St 1

Jacaranda in Coulson St 2

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