Friday, November 04, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 308 - Mexican, Driving and a Sugar High on Celluloid

Great last day of the week at my new job! Finessed two of my blog posts, told the world about them via Twitter, Linkedin & Facebook, and did an entire presentation in Keynotes (the Apple version of PowerPoint and so much more user friendly it's not even a contest!)... Phew! But had a ball doing it!

In-between all this industrious work, I had Guzman y Gomez for lunch for the first time (deliciously good steak chipotle burrito), a raspberry white chocolate brownie from the cafe in my building (the owners, Maydar and Harry are gorgeous and Maydar told me today it was like I had been there a month so much was I already a part of the work team and the cafe. Wow made me feel wonderful!), and now I am off for a viewing of Drive (with my gorgeous guy, Elle and some others from Nanowrimo) and a great heaping' helpin' of lollies!

...and yes naturally I didn't take a photo of the Drive poster but of the Muppets movie which I can't wait to see!

... and as the perfect end to the week, my sister Rachel sent me a beautiful shot of the uber-cute Bodhi chowing down on some watermelon at my Mum & Dad's...

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