Thursday, November 10, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 314 - Breakfast with Chicks

I went to a Business Chicks (a women in business advocacy group) breakfast event today.

Now, you may ask what is a guy doing at such an event as this, but I would say, stop being so close minded, it's the 21st century for goodness sake, and can you pass the milk please?

I was invited courtesy of my new boss, along with my lovely colleague Danielle, and the event, held at Darling Harbour was amazing. The table was full of wonderful women (and another very personable guy) that my boss knows, and they were as delightful to talk to, as Deborra-lee Furness was speaking about National Adoption Awareness Week, which is very close to my heart since my brother and sister are both adopted. It was impactful, enjoyable, and I am so appreciative that my boss generously invites us to these events.

An awesome start to the day..... oh and Alpha Gull made an appearance as I waited that morning at 6.30 for my colleague. So cool!

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