Thursday, November 24, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 328 - Birthday Eve

Its the day before my birthday and my beautiful man is taking me, in just a few short hours, to what I know will be a gloriously romantic birthday dinner at The Manly Pavilion.

I cannot wait, and I am as excited as a kid right now. I love our romantic birthday evenings together and I know this one is going to be as special as all the others. He is such a sweet caring man, and always plans the best birthday celebrations. This will be one to remember.

Yes I am so excited I am doing the Snoopy Dance of Joy on speed...

Manly Pavilion was just divine. From the romantic ferry ride over (minus the nutter who talked loudly to this poor family from Queensland) with magnificent views of the City to the gently fading light of dusk as we coursed over the Harbour to the magical walk to the Pavilion past orange glowing lights, it was beautiful. Having my guy next to me made it all the more wonderful. We were seated on the window looking out to the water, and from the moment they saw us come in, the service was warm, friendly and impeccable. The wine, a delicate red tempranillo, was delicate and soft, the pigs tail salad I had was like pork crackling but moister and so delicious (my gorgeous guy has snapper ravioli which were divine), the lamb with horseradish and chat potatoes was beyond yummy (my guy's veal was soft as silk and delish) and dessert...oh my lord, dessert was DIVINE. It was composed of ginger and lime frappe ice onto which was place banana & coconut ice cream that was creamy and soft with honeycomb sprinkled across the top that fizzed and popped as it sunk into the melting deliciousness of the other two layers. Words cannot express the yumminess.

It was the most romantic wonderful night just sitting back and enjoying the fabulous service and my handsome man across from me and even the ferry ride back (so cold on the water I am glad I brought my jacket! What fab birthday weather.... my guy said it was a gift he got me! So thoughtful!) was romantic with all the twinkling lights and patches of dark undeveloped land. We celebrated the start of my birthday, as we walked home, in the lane way just around from Stir Crazy Thai by kissing and hugging (that's all trust me!! LOL) and Steve wishing Happy Birthday.... all at midnight. I then naturally tweeted it was my birthday and my delight at being awake when it arrived.

Perfect....just perfect... It couldn't have been anymore wonderful!

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