Sunday, December 04, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 338 - Freezing cold and rain in summer

Now I am not going to complain. I like this kind of weather - it is so nice not to be sweating like I am normally am at this time of year - but I am floored that I was actually shivering today as we toured the rain-sodden and lacklustre Dulwich Hill Fair. I was in shorts and t-shirt which should be fine this time of year, but instead I was freezing and couldn't wait to get home to the warmth of my boyfriend's apartment. That's right I wanted to get WARM. In early December! Damn near hilarious.

We also stopped off before this at the Craft Markets at the Carriageworks at Eveleigh, and while I didn't find the funky t-shirt I was after for my nephew Bodhi, I did spend a lovely hour or so with my beautiful man checking out a lot of local arts and crafts.

Wet and wild but I loved it all. (And yes I managed to sneak a nap in as well! Perfect weather for it, after all.)

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