Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 339 (Monday 5 December) - Tinsel the tree baby!

The tree finally made it up tonight and we had a ball doing it! My gorgeous came over, made sense of, and arranged the lights and ordered the red tinsel just so, and Aidan, my housemate, helped decorate the tree. We had the loveliest time as Michael Buble's Christmas album, and Sarah McLachlan's Wintersong album played to lend mood and just the right touch of Christmassy cheer.

Aidan looking oh-so-pretty with the red tinsel

My tinsel stoal

Place it just so Aidan...just so

Placing the 2011 Hoops and Yoyo ornament in place
It was magical, fun, and I loved sharing it with my guy (so much better than when I used to do it alone).

And naturally I tweeted my way all the way through it, and so the shots are ordered by the tweets...

I snapped this as I rushed out the door, after quickly pulling the boxes, tree out from under the bed. It made me feel feel like I had at least made a start on getting ready for the decorating frenzy to come...
The romantic notion was that I'd have lamb and roast veges and make the meal all Christmassy to go with the activity at hand. But that romanticism has to submit to realities of time constraints and so I got takeaway Indian instead.

... and here are the responses to my tweeting...

... and then we said goodnight...

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