Friday, December 09, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 342 (Thursday 8 December) - Creating Yuletide art darling

My gorgeous guy and I are hosting a special Christmas picnic in a (hopefully dry) Sydney park this coming Saturday, and front and centre of the event will be the tent that has come with us to Mardi Gras Fair Days and lots else. It will be sheltering the food from the (again, hopefully) searing sun so we decided to zhoush it up by a factor of a billion and decorate it with an abstract Christmas tree my guy has had in mind for a couple of years, and actually ran out of time to make for Christmas 2009. We had a ball making it (well once all the fishing line was tied to the dowl rods) with Christmas music on (Bing Crosby, Peggy Lee, Nat King Cole) and of course the traditional dish of Chinese takeaway.

It looks very cool (he is amazingly creative, and it's a job watching him enthusiastically bring something to life), and he intends to keep it as his yearly Christmas tree. It is going to look so cool on Saturday... so very festively Santa-will-come-running-wrapped-in-tinsel COOL.

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