Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 201 - Teeth, Pain and Walking

Here I am modelling the latest in dental fashion. Pity you can't see the 'stylish' sunglasses

More root canal surgery today and instead of being the end of it all, the endodontist found the infection was back, and the bottom of my tooth was "liquid". Apparently in all other respects it was healing as it should but he couldn't finish off the root canal surgery till the infection was good. So in one month I get to lie in the dentist chair AGAIN, have the local anethesthetic needles pierce my gum AGAIN, and feel like a building site AGAIN. I can hardly wait...

So back to the smoothies with a vengeance - this batch was YUMMO!! Strawberry/Blueberry and banana - yes I lashed out and bought 3 bananas which at $14.98/kg meant each one cost me over $2 each - with ice cream, low fat yoghurt and honey... all very deliciously creamy! (I didn't make the mistake of eating solid food like last time... it's not worth an accindental chomp down on the tender tooth, and digging me out of the roof afterwards is time consuming and expensive.

The day was considerably brightened when my sister sent me this photo of the very cute Bodhi, my drling nephew, who started walking this week!! 3 metres on Monday and by today, when the phone hit my iphone inbox, he was gallavanting around the room. Go my little man!!


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