Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 198 - Synopsise That Bi-artch!

Today I finally, yes FINALLY managed to start writing the synopsis of the first novel in my trilogy and guess what not that scary! I must admit it did scare me more than a little since I figured it would be yet another creative thing to obsess about - I do try to really enjoy the creative process, and I essentially do, but along with the expressive form, there is a fair amount of neurotic wondering - but really once I Googled how to write a synopsis and found one article from a writer I respect greatly, it just came down to reading each chapter, summarising which I do well, and making sure I am as elegant yet descriptive and reflective of the book as I can be.

I am often referred to as Tigger since we share the same extrovertive bouncy personalities so this picture seems quite appropro

I think I am going to enjoy this and it's one more step towards the novel greeting the big wide world! Yeah!


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