Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 194 - Write Away Honey!

Tonight I finally made it to a writers group, called spidersgroup - drawn from a comment made by the mother of one of the attendees who thought her daughter was going to a spiders group! -  that first started during the NaNoWriMo event last November (during which I wrote the second novel in my Indio Zoop series) and has been going strong ever since. While I had become Twitter friends with two of the group then - Nick & Ellen - and met a third guy, Wade, at the Kindle course a few weeks back, I had never actually got organised enough to make it to one of their fortnightly meetings!

That all changed tonight when I finally got away from work in time, got to City Extra at Circular Quay where they were all grouped upstairs, and finally met a group of people who were warmly welcoming, fantatsically pop culture literate, and great fun to talk to as a result. I had a ball! True I did write much but neither did most of them. The group really is a way of bringing together like-minded souls for encouragment and fun in what is the very solitary act of writing.

I can't wait for the next meeting, and I am thrilled to have a bunch of fellow writers as nascent friends.


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