Sunday, July 03, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 184 - My Friend the Oil of Cloves

While my back tooth has been giving me grief unequalled in the past week, flaring into pain at the drop of a hat (I have avoided going anywhere a milliners as a result), I have relied mostly on pain killers to get me through the day. They have worked and have worked very nicely thank you!

But in the middle of the night, helpfully at 2-3 a.m. most mornings, the pain would go ballistic for some reason, and pain killers while helpful, would decline to go above and beyond, to use corporate parlance, and so I, at the suggestion of my beautiful boyfriend who bought it for me, started smearing Oil of Cloves on the gum either side of the tooth. Yes, I was a mite put off by the POISON references on the label, but the chemist assured my guy and I that this referred to ingesting it in large quantites only. So no binge drinking of the OoC then people! Frankly why you would ever want to drink it, I can't fathom as it tastes awful - yes I got some on the side of my ridiculously oversized tongue more than once, resulting in icky tastse sensations, and weird temporary numbness - but it does numb the gum beautifully and it allowed me to get back to sleep and stay asleep.

So while I doubt I will get large quantities of it for my next kegger party - actually that would be my first kegger party! - it is divinely perfect for helping me cope with my sore tooth till I get to the dentist on Wednesday for root canal.

Yes I am actually looking to a root canal! Now that's pain for you if a root canal seems the lesser evil!


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