Monday, June 27, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 176 (Saturday 25 June) - I Need a New Hobby for Old Age!

My gorgeous guy has some lovely friends he's known for years, David and Matthew, who have just returned from years in London, and who I met for the first time at Fahmi's birthday party on June 4. At that party they invited us to Matthew's 40th birthday bash today, which took place at a bowling club (North Sydney this time with views out to the harbour and the Opera House)! That's twice in one year, and while I don't think I will ever take the sport up in old age (I never played much sport as a young man so why start in old age?), largely because while it's fun to play every now and again, there really isn't much to it.

The scene of my not-much-cared-about humiliation...really lots of fun, self esteem assaults aside

Engrossed in the game

Alex reaidng us the rules and regs. Lots of fun, addicted to absent minded hair twirling, and some interesting scoring techniques

Milling before the lawn bowls facilitated bonding
Even so, it's a great way to bring disparate groups of people together and it worked a treat today. While we tended to largely stay with the people we knew during the nibble foods and champagne section of the afternoon, we ended up in teams not of our choosing and very quickly bonded in a way that spring rolls and meatballs, though they be mighty in fat and yumminess, simply can't manage. Yes I bowled terribly and my team came 5 out of 6 teams - we didn't even get the Horse's Ass award for winner of the three lowest ranked teams - but I didn't care. I had a ball, got to know David and Matthew much better, and their wonderful friends and Matthew's family, met another writer who knows a good proofreader, which will come in handy for my novel, and ate lots of weekend party food.

What's not to love? Thanks Matthew for including us in your birthday celebrations!

The plan was to go home and chill but instead we ended up in the City watching Bridesmaids, which was no where near as laugh out loud funny as people said, and was in fact, enormously average, and eating lollies (was that a wise idea after sausages, and two kinds of birthday cake? No, but I cared not!) with friends Fahmi and Steve and my gorgeous guy. Movie 0, fun with friends 1. Good night!

Yes another Facebook check in shot! Apparently I can't stop myself checking in everywhere! Must stop! LOL


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