Friday, June 17, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 168 : 1000 Posts - OH YEAH!

My closest work friends, Sammi and Sandra illustrate the number of the day

Wow things have a way of adding up, and it's amazing that I have made it to 1000 posts. OK, not amazed so much since it has taken a lot of creativity, dedication and dogged perseverance to keep posting every day, rail, hail shine or frenzied giant blue monkey attack (it hasn't happened yet but it might never know!) but I love doing it, I love the record this gives me of my life, and the way it allows me to communciate to lots of people what's happening in my life with ease. I can't wait to keep to keep posting! Onwards to 2000!! (Posts that is; I am well aware I can't travel back in time but then like the giant blue monkey attacks, who knows?)

To start this epic milestone post, here's some shots of the sky around my apartment this morning at dawn, which keeps alive one of the major aims of this blog, which is to show you my world as it happens.

Looking out towards the city

City direction again, with a star twinkling in the left part of the sky

The moon shines over the Zenix apartments next werewolves sighted thank goodness

......... and here's some TGIF fun to lighten the mood somewhat (not that sunrise shots are exactly suffused with ominous foreboding)

Yes the day included me having to pack up my wonderful window desk to move to a next out in the corridor, not near the window so that my boss's new right hand person could have the plum desk, and I got a migraine last night right before my gorgeous guy arrived home from a week away, but he came over and fussed over me, the painkillers worked well, we had pizza, and a early snuggly night. So in the end, it all ended well.

Of course, nothing ends with this post. Onward, as I said, to 2000 posts! Tally ho! (No, I have no idea why I used a horsey word then but what the hell....)

This time with tongues out!


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