Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 170 (Sunday 19 June) - Chill Pickle is in the Ascendancy

Chill pickle? Is this my attempt my engineer a new term for relaxation in the English language? Mais non, I protest, cleverly using French to throw you off my carefree experimenting with English word use, it's my friend Warren's term for well and truly chilling out to the point where your body could quite easily turn into a tub of runny yoghurt (if it was compromised of dairy products and more bacteria than a pin head in a petri dish)....

Naturally the shots I choose to illustrate this blog with are from breakfast, which has nothing to do with the above chill pickling, save for the fact that it preceded the grocery shopping which proceeded all that relaxing....tenuous at best but I will cling to it

.... and so today, I elevated Chill Pickling to a high art. While my boyfriend worked in his study - customer deadlines wait for no man's weekend, alas - I lay on his couch, watched 3 episodes of Battlestar Galactica's final season (yes I know it ended ages ago but I got kind of busy for, um, you know, 18 months), read Saturday's Sydney Morning Herald, and both the Sunday papers (lord knows why - I feel far stupider after reading than at any other point in the week), only punctuating all that delightful lethargy to cook a ham/cheese/mushroom omelette for lunch, and tuna mornay and veges on rice for dinner.

Otherwise I chill pickled as only as Chill Picklier can. OK I will stop my debauched experimenting with English words know. Enough syllables have been hurt already.


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