Thursday, July 07, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 186 (Tuesday 5 July) - Fridge Craziness

No, my fridge did not go crazy and start attacking the other kitchen appliances. (That was entirely your first thought wasn't it?)

Rather, I am referring to my obsession with collecting fridge magnets from wherever I happen to visit - by this I mean on overseas holiday rather than say my dentist's office; although it has to be said, that I have his fridge magnet too thus completely undermining any point I was trying to make - or from concerts / musicals I attend, and the way pretty much all of them are all over the door of my fridge.

Pretty much the only time they come down is if I move or we're decorating for Eurovision and we're putting up a crepe paper German flag for the night.... as you do. I know to some people it would look kitsch - yes those addicted to a minimalist decorating aesthetic I am talking to you, do not look away! - but it's fun and mirrors my personality and desire to imbue the kitchen with some sense of me.


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