Thursday, July 14, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 195 - I Am Ready for My Crossiant Now Mr DeMille

I love Bastille Day.

Ever since I was a wee whippersnapper (pretend I am Scottish and telling an anecdote from my varied and fascinating life with vim & vigour, and a twinkle in my eye, and that opening phrase should sound a little better; of course why a Scottish accent is being used in an article about France's most sacred day is quite open to question), I have celebrated La Fete National de France with pastries, and badly enunciated French. One year we even went to a patisserie in Lismore run by a French husband and wife team and we could only get said patisseries if we ordered in French. I survived and got to eat my religieuse (pastry filled with sweet chocolate and custard and covered in chocolate) after only minimal embarrassment.

This year was a tad more low key since (a) I was at work, and (b) I ate a left over croissant that someone had brought in to work), but at least I marked the day and marked it appropriately. Naturally I went home and whipped up a fabulous batch of coq au vin and.... no, no I didn't.

Next Year, I swear.... Oui!


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