Monday, July 11, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 191 (Sunday 10 July) - Orchestrating My Arvo

My guy regularly goes to see the Australian Chamber Orchestra do their most beautiful thing, and takes his ACO buddy, Alan, along with him. But today Alan was in far off Bali, and so I got to go along, and it was especially wonderful since the theme was Baroque pieces, both of that time, and modern pieces inspired by them, and featured a lovely piece by my favourite Baroque composer, Vivaldi.

It was wonderful! The pieces by Telemann, Tartini and Corelli were delightful, and even the modern prices by Greenbaum and others were sublime, with the exception of Sculthorpe's which left me cold, quite appropo on a bitterly cold day.

What also left us cold but in a good way was the gelatos we picked up before driving back to Erskineville for dinner with our lovely friend Fahmi. He'd cooked fall-off-the-bone lamb shanks, and a chai flavoured panacotta with strawberries, and coupled with lovely conversation and his adorable cat, Simone, it made for a relaxed end to the weekend. Perfect.


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