Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 120 - WHO?!

He's back!

After being disappointed by the increasingly juvenile tone of the first seris of Matt Smith as Dr Who adventures, the ads for the new season looked enticing enought to give it another shot, and it seems to be returning to interesting, complex, and emotionally resonant storytelling which is a huge relief, as I really love the show.

A humourous take on the creepy The Silence aliens
So enticed were we that my gorgeous guy and I stayed in, along with my house mate, Aiden, stayed in on a Saturday night - yes really!! -  and fortified with curry (leftovers from last night plus a couple of new curries), left over cheeses and pate, and wine, we watched what was a very good episode.

Here's to Dr Who finding it's form again. I will gladly stay in every Saturday for the season if they capture that Dr Who magic again.

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 119 (Friday 29 April) - Lace and a Man Called Will

Who doesn't adore a wedding? Well, all right some parts of some weddings where the bride's father gives a 1 hour plus speech (been there, done that) or the bride's father rambles on to the point where even the bride is confused (also travelled there and wished I hadn't) makes you wish you could just switch off the experience, and snuggle up with a good book.

But tonight, like apparently 2 billion other people the world over (who counted these people I wonder?), my gorgeous guy and I, joined by very good friends Justin and Cameron settled in for Will and Kate's (or as I termed them, KILLS) wedding, a small affair costing a mere $80 million. Why they really are just like everyone else..... who a filthy rich gazillionaire! We had a yummy antipasto entree - pates, cheeses, olives, and salmon, cream cheese & capers on bikkies - followed by the national dish of England, Curry (thanks to the local Indian takeaway place), and finished off with a mudcake baked by Cameron, which was moist and delicious.

The wedding was a delight - the bride and her sister looked beautiful, the bride's brother looked very handsome (and gay), the music melodic, perfect and divine, the avenue of trees stunning, and the balcony kisses so sweet and full of love. It was a joy to watch and I honestly hope this royal wedding will go the distance, and provide them both much happiness.

Holding the bonbonierres Steve made up of the rather unorthodox ingredients I sourced - Jaffas, Peanut M & Ms, chocolate almonds, and Clinkers - YUM!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 118 - Au Revoir My Cherie iPhone 3

I finally did it! I couldn't beart waiting for the will they/won't they release of the iPhone 5 which could take place any time between July and early next year (maybe....maybe not), and the hideous performance of my ageing Iphone 3 2G phone, which regularly lost calls, never received them, crashed out, gave me high-pitched electronic squeals (less than lovingly dubbed Poltergeist in the Washing Machine by me), and generally acted like the Anti-Phone.

So on Thursday I signed up for another 2 years in Optus Contract Land, fired up my iPhone 4 and by some miracle, managed to reasonably seamlessly back up the old phone to iTunes, and download most of the data to the new phone (it took another sync the next morning to get calendar items and all the apps over, and that was only after I downloaded the latest iTunes...why must they update so often?! Arghh!) without wanting to kill someone. All in all, freakishly simple, and the new phone works divinely. I love it...... and no, I am not a brainwashed Apple devotee.

It just works and works simply and intuitively and for a non tech head like myself, that is a joy...

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 117 - What a Prize is Archibald!

Off to the Art Gallery of NSW tonight with my gorgeous guy and our good friend, Ingo, to see the Archibald Prize, which was as diverse, colourful and creative as always. I surreptitiously photographed the shot above because Ken Done had painted himself looking a little too much like Hitler, which amused me no end - I mean who would do that?! - and snapped the pic below (hence it's blurriness) which I found whimsical, fun, and visually crisp and distinct.

My big favourite was a quirky painting, and the one I voted for in the Peoples Choice section, called The Heart of Things (a protrait of Cassandra Golds), by Sonia Kretschmar, which showed Cassandra, an author, with her torso as a bird inside a cage, a motif used in one of her novels. It was gorgeously yellow, quirky, fun and made my night.

We had planned a light dinner somewhere but by the time we left the Gallery at 8.30 or so, everything was shut for the most part, so we ended up grabbing some very yummy Asian food on a stick in a lane near Town Hall station and eating it on the go, which was fun.

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 116 (Tuesday 26 April 2011) - I Thor I Saw a Norse God!

Two mainstream Hollywood movies in 2 days but man was this one good! Great even!

Great plot, well developed characters (well as much as they can be in an action blockbuster), stunning graphics, and emotional core - it had the lot, and we had a blast watching it!

It led later on, as we waited for the train home to all manner of terrible puns from my beloved man along the lines of 'You're Thor? I can barely sit down.' Groan. But I laughed because he's just adorable when he cracks those jokes.

Yeah you can tell I am totally in love can't you? LOL

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 115 - Lest We Forget

My gorgeous guy had to work today so after consuming yet more hot cross buns, he left my place and I pottered around reading, eating, not swimming (if ever I need to it was today!), and watching quite a bit of the Anzac ceremonies on TV, including much of the Sydney parade, as a way of remembering those amazing men and women who died so we could live in the amazing country we live in.

Naturally, my gorgeous guy and I finished off the day by watching Scream 4 with Steve, and Fahmi @ Broadway. Of course we did....

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 114 - Exploding Eggs, Hunting Eggs... and Dinner....with Eggs?

I love Easter Sunday!

Because it means one special thing.... Easter eggs and lots of them!

Now before you accuse me of betraying my Christian roots - accuse away I don't really care since I left them behind a way back - and trivialising the day, let me remind me that it's not just a matter of getting chocolate. It's what the chocolate represents - in this case, the sweet, true undying love of my beautiful man who constantly delights with the creative way he approaches special occasions.

In this case, he took the multi-coloured glass and metal candelabra from yesterday - which was intended to be a birthday gift - and filled it with all manner of Easter eggs, including, hilariously, a number that he and I bought on the Saturday night under the guise of buying eggs for the Easter egg hunt today, with a trail of red Tulip eggs from the bedroom through to the loungeroom (see above). Even sweeter than that, he got up at 7 a.m. to do all this, when he is anything but a morning person. It was the loveliest surprise, and had me whopping and hollering with delight, and clapping my claps and looking, yes, enormously gay. I didn't care. It was a lovely gift and made my day.

Thankfully, while not as spectacular, he loved my Easter egg bag of goodies, which I filled with all manner of chocolatey goodness and two plush toys - a rabbit ear wearing turtle (naturally) and a bilby from Haigh's.

We ate ourselves some more yummy hot cross buns, and then headed off to our wonderful friends, Essie, and John, and their adorable twins Ben and Sophie, for the annual Easter Sunday lunch and easter egg hunt, with our Easter egg gift bags in hand (see above). Friends, Steve and Fahmi popped along too, along with their lovely neighbour Simon, and we had a very yummy lunch of lamb cooked with all manner of fruits and nuts oh my!, and meatballs with beautifully cooked veges, followed by cheesecake tarts, and preceded by cheese, pate and, um, yes, chocolate. Who saw that coming?

The Easter egg hunt was a hoot, with my gorgeous guy and I hiding all the eggs in rather obvious places - they are 3 after all! - including myriad pot plant holders and tiles, and their playhouse. It was a ball watching them 'find' them, with lots of adult help, and wonderful seeing how they shared them all. As always, it was a great day with beautiful friends.

Eggs hunted, we headed home, grabbed a quick nap, and then bounced back out the door - yes all that chocolate had me running a perpetual sugar high! -  for dinner at Tre Viet in Newtown with my gorgeous guy's sister Carolyn and her boyfriend, Ric. The food was light, tasty and awesome as always, and we even ended up with a free 1/2 bottle of wine from a lovely couple next to us, who hearing it was Ric's birthday (well some days before anyway) bequeathed their undrunk wine as they left - what a sweet gesture especially in Sydney (the wine was just fine) - and the conversation was a delight. I loved spending time with any member of my gorgeous guy's family - they are uniformly wonderful people - and tend to attract lovely partners - I mean look at me?! LOL - and we had the best night.

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 113 (Saturday 23 April) - Andrew and Steve's Most Excellent Southern Highlands Adventure!

It has been tough lately getting time alone with my beautiful guy, what with him being in Bathurst 4 days of the week and social engagements begging us for time when we are together - all of which I love to make time for but which eat into the time we have together - so the idea of spending a day just with my guy way down in the Southern Highlands, far away from the madding crowd of Sydney, sounded like bliss....

..... and so it was, with us heading out of Sydney at 10 a.m. (a little later than the planned time of  8 a.m. but that was never realistic now was it on a holiday day?), after fueling up my car - it actually got to drive further than Marrickville Metro for once, as did I! - and grabbing the required travel lollies, screaming on the speed limit down the freeway for just over an hour before hitting lovely Mittagong first, where we had delicious bacon and avocado croissants at the Just Bite Me cafe.

After a fruitless search for an ATM, and grabbing some Easter gift bags at the local $2 shop, we hopped back into the car, drove into Bowral which, while lovely, seems a tad too contrived for my tastes. It has lots of book stores, and lovely home wares stores, but was nowhere near as postcard pretty as I remembered it. Still we had a lovely time wandering through the shops, checking out the beautiful autumn colours - especially, and quite appropriately given the fact that Anzac Day was just two days away, the ones around the Bowral cenotaph- and finding the local Vinnies, which was sadly closed, important because there was some kerfuffle a while back when Vinnies wanted to open in the main street and the Prues and Trues of the town put a stop to it lest poor people be seen as inhabiting their Highlands idyll! Steve was going to ask in one of the nicer home wares shops where it was - he can be such a cheeky larrikin at times - but gave up on that when we found it ourselves.

From the somewhat artificial surrounds of Bowral, we headed to Historic Berrima - we know it is because of the signs telling us so - which was just gorgeous. Parking outside the now closed Whitehorse Inn, the only place I could remember in Berrima (last visited by me way back when the freeway went through the town), we walked through a suite of beautiful antiques stores (including one that housed an enormous ornate French-made wooden wardrobe that would have looked fabulously imposing in my country home's entrance way had I possessed one!), home wares stores (including one that had a funky colourful candelabra that I just had to have... and which Steve bought for me for my birthday in November despite me assuring him I'd buy it, and which ended up as my Easter gift the next day stacked with eggs) and produce stores (got me some home made jams!) before lunch at the General Store, which was just delicious (duck and mushroom pie....YUM!). It was just glorious, romantic fun...

We finished off with a drive through Moss Vale, and a stop at the Mt Gibraltar lookout, which had views right across Bowral and Mittagong, views which were just breathtaking, before driving home via a street containing yet more autumn-infused trees. I had actually had a blast going down the freeway - so much fun to really drive hard occasionally. Only occasionally, of course, as I am not a massive fan of driving normally.

How very gay of them!

After crashing at my place for a little while, we headed out to Newtown for a delicious dinner at Sherpa Kitchen (scene of my birthday shindig 5 months earlier), and once again the service was delightful, the food superb (the Pakodas, which are chickpea flour coated pieces of cheese and vegetable, were divine), the conversation sparkling, and I reflected on how wonderful it was to be with my guy for a whole day, just the two of us, without anyone or anything else to get in the way.

A special wonderful day.

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