Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 119 (Friday 29 April) - Lace and a Man Called Will

Who doesn't adore a wedding? Well, all right some parts of some weddings where the bride's father gives a 1 hour plus speech (been there, done that) or the bride's father rambles on to the point where even the bride is confused (also travelled there and wished I hadn't) makes you wish you could just switch off the experience, and snuggle up with a good book.

But tonight, like apparently 2 billion other people the world over (who counted these people I wonder?), my gorgeous guy and I, joined by very good friends Justin and Cameron settled in for Will and Kate's (or as I termed them, KILLS) wedding, a small affair costing a mere $80 million. Why they really are just like everyone else..... who a filthy rich gazillionaire! We had a yummy antipasto entree - pates, cheeses, olives, and salmon, cream cheese & capers on bikkies - followed by the national dish of England, Curry (thanks to the local Indian takeaway place), and finished off with a mudcake baked by Cameron, which was moist and delicious.

The wedding was a delight - the bride and her sister looked beautiful, the bride's brother looked very handsome (and gay), the music melodic, perfect and divine, the avenue of trees stunning, and the balcony kisses so sweet and full of love. It was a joy to watch and I honestly hope this royal wedding will go the distance, and provide them both much happiness.

Holding the bonbonierres Steve made up of the rather unorthodox ingredients I sourced - Jaffas, Peanut M & Ms, chocolate almonds, and Clinkers - YUM!!


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