Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 114 - Exploding Eggs, Hunting Eggs... and Dinner....with Eggs?

I love Easter Sunday!

Because it means one special thing.... Easter eggs and lots of them!

Now before you accuse me of betraying my Christian roots - accuse away I don't really care since I left them behind a way back - and trivialising the day, let me remind me that it's not just a matter of getting chocolate. It's what the chocolate represents - in this case, the sweet, true undying love of my beautiful man who constantly delights with the creative way he approaches special occasions.

In this case, he took the multi-coloured glass and metal candelabra from yesterday - which was intended to be a birthday gift - and filled it with all manner of Easter eggs, including, hilariously, a number that he and I bought on the Saturday night under the guise of buying eggs for the Easter egg hunt today, with a trail of red Tulip eggs from the bedroom through to the loungeroom (see above). Even sweeter than that, he got up at 7 a.m. to do all this, when he is anything but a morning person. It was the loveliest surprise, and had me whopping and hollering with delight, and clapping my claps and looking, yes, enormously gay. I didn't care. It was a lovely gift and made my day.

Thankfully, while not as spectacular, he loved my Easter egg bag of goodies, which I filled with all manner of chocolatey goodness and two plush toys - a rabbit ear wearing turtle (naturally) and a bilby from Haigh's.

We ate ourselves some more yummy hot cross buns, and then headed off to our wonderful friends, Essie, and John, and their adorable twins Ben and Sophie, for the annual Easter Sunday lunch and easter egg hunt, with our Easter egg gift bags in hand (see above). Friends, Steve and Fahmi popped along too, along with their lovely neighbour Simon, and we had a very yummy lunch of lamb cooked with all manner of fruits and nuts oh my!, and meatballs with beautifully cooked veges, followed by cheesecake tarts, and preceded by cheese, pate and, um, yes, chocolate. Who saw that coming?

The Easter egg hunt was a hoot, with my gorgeous guy and I hiding all the eggs in rather obvious places - they are 3 after all! - including myriad pot plant holders and tiles, and their playhouse. It was a ball watching them 'find' them, with lots of adult help, and wonderful seeing how they shared them all. As always, it was a great day with beautiful friends.

Eggs hunted, we headed home, grabbed a quick nap, and then bounced back out the door - yes all that chocolate had me running a perpetual sugar high! -  for dinner at Tre Viet in Newtown with my gorgeous guy's sister Carolyn and her boyfriend, Ric. The food was light, tasty and awesome as always, and we even ended up with a free 1/2 bottle of wine from a lovely couple next to us, who hearing it was Ric's birthday (well some days before anyway) bequeathed their undrunk wine as they left - what a sweet gesture especially in Sydney (the wine was just fine) - and the conversation was a delight. I loved spending time with any member of my gorgeous guy's family - they are uniformly wonderful people - and tend to attract lovely partners - I mean look at me?! LOL - and we had the best night.


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