Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 109 - First Day Back At Work... Egg Me On!

First day after my much needed time off, and it was, surprisingly, not awful...

Yes I woke up at 3.30 feeling nauseous and anxious - what a superb way to start any day I say! - but this was taken care of with a 5.30 walk around the neighbourhood for an hour which got the endorphns flowing, cleared my mind, and got me to the train on time. There was no management meeting today so while I still had to prepare the Dashboard (trading report), it wasn't to the usual 2pm meeting deadline so I could take my time and not stress about it, like I normally do with such panache and gusto.

The day ended quite nicely with a fun dinner out with my bestie gal pal from work, Sammi at a Japanese eatery called Kansai in the City - $28 for all you can eat, and while it was YUM, I think perhaps we may have eaten a tad too much, stopping mere slivers of salmon from exploding all over their cute little eatery - and easter egg shopping at, of all places, Priceline, which actually carries a really yummy selection of eggs including the all important, and second only to Cadbury Creme Eggs, white Lindt rabbit (which bears an uncanny resemblance to their Christmas chocolate reindeer... not the same mould you say? I suspect so!) which I craved at that point.

So all the Easter eggs bought - I just need some hot cross buns or 200.....


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