Thursday, April 28, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 118 - Au Revoir My Cherie iPhone 3

I finally did it! I couldn't beart waiting for the will they/won't they release of the iPhone 5 which could take place any time between July and early next year (maybe....maybe not), and the hideous performance of my ageing Iphone 3 2G phone, which regularly lost calls, never received them, crashed out, gave me high-pitched electronic squeals (less than lovingly dubbed Poltergeist in the Washing Machine by me), and generally acted like the Anti-Phone.

So on Thursday I signed up for another 2 years in Optus Contract Land, fired up my iPhone 4 and by some miracle, managed to reasonably seamlessly back up the old phone to iTunes, and download most of the data to the new phone (it took another sync the next morning to get calendar items and all the apps over, and that was only after I downloaded the latest iTunes...why must they update so often?! Arghh!) without wanting to kill someone. All in all, freakishly simple, and the new phone works divinely. I love it...... and no, I am not a brainwashed Apple devotee.

It just works and works simply and intuitively and for a non tech head like myself, that is a joy...


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