Saturday, April 30, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 120 - WHO?!

He's back!

After being disappointed by the increasingly juvenile tone of the first seris of Matt Smith as Dr Who adventures, the ads for the new season looked enticing enought to give it another shot, and it seems to be returning to interesting, complex, and emotionally resonant storytelling which is a huge relief, as I really love the show.

A humourous take on the creepy The Silence aliens
So enticed were we that my gorgeous guy and I stayed in, along with my house mate, Aiden, stayed in on a Saturday night - yes really!! -  and fortified with curry (leftovers from last night plus a couple of new curries), left over cheeses and pate, and wine, we watched what was a very good episode.

Here's to Dr Who finding it's form again. I will gladly stay in every Saturday for the season if they capture that Dr Who magic again.


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