Sunday, August 15, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 226 (Saturday 14 August) : Zooming North

I hit the ground running when I finally got to Alstonville (after a very busy morning of errands running which included getting wrapping paper, baclava/date slices for my Mum and a hastily devoured lunch on my balcony before an even faster final pack!) snapping, or rather having my Mum snap, my first shot with my dalring new nephew Bodhi, while getting reacquainted with my very cute niece Zara who has grown so much even since April!

After lots of food - you don't visit my Mum and Dad's to lose weight; the food is too yummy and there's lots of it! - part of which was eatne while I was having my first  hour long nurse of Bodhi, I did get some exercise in, walking with my sister Helen (Zara's mum) up to a nearby park for some slippery dip and seesaw fun!

A wonderful way to start my visit!


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