Saturday, April 03, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 92 (Friday 1 April 2010) : Smurfin' Easter 1 : Eggs and Bacon and Sloth

I love Easter!
These days that is largely, or let's be honest, entirely due to the fact that I get a much welcome 4 day break from the frenetic Outlook-inpsired madness of my work life when too much forward momentum is never enough, and lots of delicious chocolate eggs and hot cross buns, and a chance for some wonderful quality time with my gorgeous guy.  (Back in the day, when I went to church, it naturally revolved around celebrating Jesus's death and resurrection but given that my faith is not the be all and end all anymore - or even at all much of the time - I have stripped my Easter observations back to all the fun, pagan stuff!)
Today was the most delightfully stripped back day of the whole weekend. Nothing was open - bar the service station and frankly my desire to spend quality time there sits somewhere between being attacked by angry villagers with torches and pitchforks, and watching a box set of Neighbours episodes - so my yummy guy and I just kicked back, ate a delicious brunch, kicked back some more and finally.....yes kicked back even more!
It was so bliss-inducing, stepping off the manic fast track of 21st Century life, and just spending time with the man who makes my life the wonderful place it is now. I loved not having to rush here, there or anywhere, and in the end the only place we did go was back to my place before walking a whole block - yes we walked a whole block on a day of sloth and indulgence! Fancy that!! - to my friend Warren's for champagne, pizza and lots of fun conversation (with his mum and my friend Fahmi along for the ride) till late....
Oh and the Smurfs? Why not? I have started collecting them again, I have 8 Easter themed Smurfs so for a bit of fun I have included 2 of them each day over Easter in the photos....


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