Tuesday, March 30, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 89 : Oceans Under a Bridge

Today's highlight, after another busy dat in the saltmines, was meeting up with my friend Doug who I hadn't seen in 13 Years!

I know what you're thinking - in the fast paced pell mell world of the 21st Century, catching up with anyone, let alone friends is fraught with all sorts of complications and obstacles, but surely it can't take 13 years to schedule a get together? And my patient answer, after an involuntary rolling of my eyes (in the nicest possible way naturally) would be that it had less to do with the means of communication, and far more to do with life getting in the way. Regardless of what had kept us apart, the lovely part was seeing him again, talking through old times, and finding out what he and his kids have got up to since I saw them. Time does fly by like a manic duck hellbent on completing its migration in days, not weeks, but it still left me feeling hideously old to find out his kids are now 21 and 17! They are up to all sorts of cool things, from starting websites to finishing the fianl years of school, and Doug, as a great dad, is very proud of them. He's also been up to lots, running a successful business, blogging like there's no tomorrow, buying a farm that he'll run on eco friendly principles and.... well lots of stuff!

It was a wonderful night that started at The Bank Hotel with drinks, moved on to sushi at Sushi Train, Newtown before finishing on the corner of Linthorpe Road and Erskineville Road where Doug and I were saying goodbye when a poor femal motorcyclist ran headlong into the back of a parked car without braking (thankfully at low speed). I quickly dialled 000 while Doug and some others lifted the bike off her leg and made sure she was conscious. To everyone's immense relief, she was talking and moving her legs - we didn't move her and waited for the ambulance to turn up - and the ambo's said she was likely to be OK. What a relief. Witnessing something like is incredibly unsettling and to know she wasn't horribly injured was wonderful. It took till 10.30 to give our statements to the police so a relatively early night ended up being quite late.

I finished off the night debriefing with my wonderful guy who was concerned I'd seen the accident and wanting to hug to wish all the bad vision aside. It was so sweet of him to call - especially since I woke him up in the first place poor baby! - but truthfully once I knew the motorcyclist was OK, I relaxed, and hearing my beloved's voice was just the tonic I needed to drift off to dreamland.

Time for another Zara update!

Here she is in her brand new special chair watching her favourite show In the Night Garden on ABC2 every day at 5.30. She is a gal after my own heart taking the media with the sort of alacrity I did (once I discovered what a TV was at about age 4.... they didn't have TVs in Bangladesh where I frist grew up so TV was a late discovery!)


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