Monday, March 22, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 81 : Flick'd!

Off to the movies tonight! Yes on a Monday night no less when there is nary a hint of Tight Assness pervading the media entertainment gigaplex.
Luckily I bought up 6  x $7.50 e-vouchers two months back and redeeming two of them last night, my yummy guy and I went off to see a romantic comedy (rom-com) called "The Rebound", even though it will never be considered the world's greatest film, or veen the world's greatest rom-com. But that's not the point. I was simply looking for something light, frothy and relaxing after a frantically busy day at work, and this fitted the bill nicely. Yes I did feel a few twinges of guilt that I wasn't seeing a 'worthy' movie, like "The Hurt Locker" or "Brothers" but they can wait till the weekend when I am recharged from a hectic week and ready to face a searing, probing indictment of society's blackened soul. For now, lighten up baby!
The night itself was just lovely. I had the company of my beautiful guy and great friend from work, Sammi (and her house mate, Tui), we had deliciously cheap $8 steaks at Star Bar on George Street, and Taro Tea and pearls from Easyway, and I held the hand of my beloved all trhough the movie, which was delightful, de-lovely and de-fabulous all in one! He even stared lovingly at me at one point and declared that I looked so "lovely". Well what's a boy to do with that but swoon and snuggle close in the dark of the cinema?

So I did.


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