Monday, March 15, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 72 (Saturday 13 March 2010) : Sleeping, Walking and Eating

With all the fun activities over the last 2 months, a relatively unstuctured weekend day has been a rarity indeed.

Today, however, there were hens' teeth lying thick on the ground as my beautiful guy and I enjoyed a meandering day that involved a lot of sleeping in, and cuddling in bed, then a langorous lunch at Badde Manors, an idiosyncratically funky vegetarian store in Glebe. I had a divinely delicious eggplant schnitzel - yes apparently it was so yummy I was brought closer to any number of gods....take your pick! - on mash, and my gorgeous guy chowed down on agigantic, planet-crushing lentil burger. I nornmally would grab and gobble down a lentil burger in a flash but this one contained much of my mortal enemy, tomato, and so could not be seriously entertained as a lunch time option.

Lunch happily digesting in our guts - a delightful image that may take you days to expunge from your short term memory - we then wandered through the messy wonderfulness of Glebe Markets, past all the one-of-a-kind arts and crafts, t-shirts, exotic licorices, candles, with the only purchases being two early 1980s era smurfs for my collection (yes I now collect them! Cue a segment on the ABC's The Collectors before too long!). I managed to reist buying anything else and we went into the absolute den of temptation for me, Gleebooks, where I bought a book by Richard Dawkins on evolution, which while I may not completely agree with its theses, looking compelling and thought-provoking and worth a read.

All that wandering donw, my baby and I were ready for a nanna nap, and we had the loveliest one, snuggled close together on my bed for 2 hours. It was utter bliss to be close to him, and to spend such lazy, open-ended time just being with each other. We finally roused ourselves from the bed, and watching TV - saw a fascinating programme on the engineering challenges inherent in the building of the Sydney Opera House - and after a quick stop into my friend Warren's place, we walked up to King Street via the back streets of Erskineville for dinner at Happy Chef, ostensibly to have a vegetable heavy dish.
What we ended up with was combination soups, with delicious ingredients and broth, and not that many veges at all but we made up for that with a long walk up and down King Street, dodging falling cats and dogs all the way, but managing to get home reasonably high and dry.
A wonderfully unstructured. immensely satisfying day.


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