Tuesday, March 23, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 82 : 500 Ways to Say "C'est Moi"

Wow so I have made it. 500 posts. (I co-opted my friends Sandra, Sammi and Fahmi, and my gorgeous guy to join me to represent 500 in 2 photos - 5 then 00 which are sprinkled through this post.)

Way back in 2005 when this quirkily-named blog slowly shuddered into existence on the back of a suggestion by my career counsellor that a blog would be a good calling card for a writing career - it likely is but I have yet to leverage that; I hope to start doing so today when I catch up with the head of the Internal Communications area at the company I work at, to see what my future career path may be - I really didn't conceive that it would become what it is and go as far as it has. It may not have exactly set the blogging world on fire, but that was never really the point.
What I wanted to do, apart from landing a kick-ass writing career on the strength of my (hopefully) sizzling wit and wry observations, was find a creative outlet where I could express all the quirky, silly, authentically me stuff that never really got a voice in CubicleLand. I don't hate my job, but while the people and company I work for are lovely, the job is not exactly setting the creative world on fire, and to stop myself going slowly mad - or madder - I needed somewhere to channel all that of unspent creative energy.....
..... and it's been a hoot. Yes, a hoot I say! I love that word, along with 'plethora' and 'soporific' and 'quintessential' and in this, my 500th post, I have found a way to throw them all into one paragraph. Not terribly eloquently but then that was never the point either. Write well yes, but above all, the key was to find my voice, express who I was, try to say something without descending into a pointless vanity exercise (I think that's hard to avoid when you are writing your own blog but I'd like to think it's hasn't been a totally me-centric endeavour), and have some fun along the way.
It's been all that and more, and while today is likely to be just another day at the corporate coal face, it will be a great day because I have stuck to my creative guns and made a very cool milestone, which even if it doesn't lead to a Pulitzer Prize for OMG blogging, at least allowed me to be totally who I am when so much of my life edited out bits along the way.

It's been a wonderful ride....


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