Wednesday, March 24, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 83 : Pretty as a Truck

This is very cool graffiti.

It sits on a wall on the Erskineville end of King Street just near where I meet my friend Fahmi for our morning full-speed-ahead power walks. I have no idea why a graffiti artist decided that Tonka Trucks would make for a great theme - especially on the wall of a shop selling furniture! - but I am glad that they went with their gut instinct because it's bright, colourful, and recalls all sorts of childhood memories.

For one thing I was, like most little boys, into cars and trucks - I was also into playing with Barbie dolls etc but that's a whole other story and entirely consistent with me being a screaming queen! - and foremost among all the brands, apart from Mattel, was Tonka. My great aunt Buzzie gave me an enormous car carrier Tonka Truck onto which rolled 3 large cars, all of which were made of metal, and not the plastic of today. I loved her, loved the truck, and it was one of the most special gifts I ever got, and one of my favourite toys.

I have no idea what happened to the truck or it's cars - odd since so much else of my childhood survived intact, largely because I made sure it did being the sentimental guy that I am - but this mural invoked a fuzzy sense of well being from the days when my greatest concern was running cars up and down the metal ramp of a Tonka Truck.


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