Sunday, March 28, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 87 : Jus For the Yum Cha of It

No, the subject line is not missing a 't' at the end of 'Jus'....

It's a play on words which only makes sense if you know that the Yum Cha catch up in question was with oneof my closest and dearest friends, Justin...get it now? See it's a marvellously inspired, clever play on words that will resonate down through the ages and...oh, never mind..... well I laughed at least...
Anyway, narrowly focused humourous plays on good friends' names aside, it had been a while since we'd been able to catch up - Justin is besieged by work demands, study schedule for his Masters and the limited social schedule left over after the first two parts of his life are accommodated - and so it was just delightful to sit back over Yum Cha at Kam Fook's Bondi Junction and catch up on all the comings and goings in our lives. I even managed to sneak in a quick trip to Borders to stock up pm my much loved Entertainment Weekly magazines from the USA.
After my big outing I returned home to do washing and CD ripping - or 'tearing' as my darling guy calls jokingly - before my guy came over and we had an impromptu fish n chips and L & P (New Zealand soft drink) in Sydney Park. In contrast to last Sunday night's picnic, the sunset didn't amount to much at all, there was a wind screaming across the top of the hill, and it got dark way earlier (we arrived because the fish n chips shop guy took 25 minutes to process our order!), but this very cute dog scampered up to us (see above) and more importnatly, it was so incredibly romantic sitting almost all alone with the man I love, gazing into his eyes, talking about all sorts of stuff, and snuggling close to stay warm, even as darkness closed in. It was a truly romantic, magical night.


ZARA Update
Here's the latest shot of the cutest niece a man could ever ask for, grinning mischievously from under mum's work desk having wreaked goodness knows what havoc! She followed this up with pulling all the toilet paper off a roll till she was covered by it! Too cute!!


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