Sunday, March 28, 2010

365 Pink Feather Boas All in a Row - Day 86 (Saturday 27 March 2010) : King Street shopping, Erskineville Road Eating and George St Flix

Today was another one of those Make-It-Up-As-We-Along days, so beloved of me thanks to my soul-searing exposure thanks to the unforgiving exacting nature of Outlook during the week days at work. Admittedly it did include one scheduled stop off to pick up my car, which was still at the car service place for its registration service check but even this didn't happen as scheduled as they were running late so we had used the time wel and headed to nearby Marrickville Metro so I could get my hair cut (well buzz-cutted off really) and we could grab some groceries.

But the rest of the day lived up to the Make-It-Up theme as I moseyed along King Street shopping  (above shot shows one of my fave shops, Octopus) while my gorgeous guy got his hair cut, we had an impromptu nap on his bed, before heading into the City to see a movie, The Blind Side, with a close friend of ours, Stephen.
The movie was heartwarming and life-affirming, and while in a few isolated places it veered into Hallmark Weepie of the Week territory, it was mostly very inspiring as Sandra Bullock's character, Lee Anne Tuohy (a real life woman and wonderfully gutsy!) took on every racist, small-minded person who stood in her way to transform a young man's life. I really enjoyed it (and the lollies I had with it too!).
We left the cinema in the middle of Earth Hour, which I usually observe by switching off all the lights and sitting in the dark for an hour, and to get a small feel for how the City looked, we headed to Darling Harbour, took some shots against an unusually dark skyline before heading to one of my favourite restaurants, Chinta Ria for dinner. The food was, as always delicious, although our conversation did have to compete with a loud 21st birthday party next to us, and the company lovely. The home to collapse after a wonderfully full but blissfully unstressful day.


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