Thursday, April 30, 2009

Project 289 - Day 44 : A Mall Without BORDERS

I am traumatised. Yes, traumatised.

OK I am also ridiculously melodramatic but that's fun.... and about the only fun I had tonight. OK there I go into hyperbolic melodrama land again! The sad fact of the matter is that tonight I learned that one of my favourite shops in Pitt St Mall, where I often buy "Entertainment Weekly" and numerous books on the way home from work (OK technically I get off the bus a Wynyard and can catch the train from the station there so really 'on the way home' is a very elastic concept), BORDERS, is closing down on May 15 as part of the seemingly endless redevelopment of Pitt St Mall. More and more, what was my favourite place to shop, with some fun one of a kind shops, is being shut down, hollowed out and by all accounts replaced by another generic mall.

Now don't get me wrong. I love malls, and left to my own devices will happily spend Australia out of its current economic malaise. Singlehandedly. However, I also value individuality, especially stores that promised something a little different. Admittedly, BORDERS isn't that, and is in fact part of a massively large US mega bookstore chain. Still, it was for so long part and parcel of my shopping experience going into the City, and along with the loss of so many other fun interesting shops, I will miss it.

Well until I go to the BORDERS at Macquarie Centre, near where I work. Then maybe not so much.....


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