Thursday, April 30, 2009

Project 289 - Day 43 (Wednesday 29 April 2009) : Things That Go Fizz in a Glass

I am normally a robustly healthy guy.

But this year, my dear body, supposedly in the peak of healthy from healthy diet and exercise (which according to an email I have seen a few times simply extends the time I have eat well and exercise!) has managed an entire week off from work with bronchitis (January) and 3 days off to get my jaw/teeth seen to, and who can't be grateful for all that time spent in waiting rooms with magazines published just after the fall of the Berlin Wall? While I also have had the chance to watch lots of "Ellen DeGeneres" and "The View" - two shows I will say without any embarrassment that I love - I am beginning to question whether my body has decided, independently of my conscious mind, that it's going to act like a body in it's 40s that is filled with fatty foods on a daily basis (it isn't), never gets exercise (all those 4.45 a.m. starts aren't for photographing the night sky!), and is lurching, in a none too grateful fashion, towards invalidhood. (I very much doubt that's a word but in the spirit of linguistic innovation, or vandalism, I am leaving it there!).

So to combat this rebelliousness on my body's part, I took up the offer from work last night to get a flu jab to protect me from all the upcoming nasty viral nasties.... and have spent the last week feeling less than optimal. I appreciate that they are injecting me with the flu itself so my body can prepare it's defenses against any viruses that say "Ah ha. A well tended healthy body - let's trash it!" (yes viruses do act like bored rock and rollers, drinking too much after a concert in their hotel room, and smashing it to bits; no word on whether they are having sex like rock and rollers, but given how quickly a flu can claim you, it's a safe bet they are! Sadly they are likely having more fun that me at times!), but I'm not impressed that while not fully sick (yeah man!), I am sort of off colour and frankly I would rather be properly sick and get it over and done with...... and watch more day time TV which has to be better for you than work right?! 

(Today's photo shows one of the glasses of Aspro Clear I drank todday in a bid to ward off strange weird feverish feelings that left me feeling like a space cadet in orbit at times!)


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