Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Project 289 - Day 36 : The Sticky Fingers of the Ghost of Easter Past

The year is racing past so fast that Easter, once a beguiling glimmer of long weekend hope in the bleak non-public holiday desert of March, is receding quickly into the haze of glittery multi-coloured metallic memory....

.... but before it did, I got to relive it today! Sitting on my desk last night, just before I left work last night was a bag of Darrell Lea Easter Eggs courtesy of the consultancy company we're using for a project at work which is aimed at totally transforming the customer service we deliver to our clients. I had an inkling they were coming my way but given my rush to get to the movie I had bought tickets for, all I could do was admire the sweetness (literally and figuratively) of the gift and rush for the exit.

But today, after much resistance I succumbed and and not only looked closely at the lovely gift (seen above, after half it's contents helped to a cocoa-induced sen-like state... well as zen as I was going to get in Outlook hell!) from the consultancy company that I worked extremely hard for while they were at the company I work for, but ate two of the chocolate eggs, which given my rather lax exercise regime of late, and high caloric intake, my 43 year old body didn't need. Sadly though when it comes to chocolate, I can't just be a sticky voyeur; I have to jump in feet first, and gorge myself on the yummy temptations before me.... and today I did just that in a 10 hour day where stress was abundant, and the will to resist making the busyness a little bearable by eating chocolate virtually non-existent by mid afternoon. 

No point regretting it; it made a stressful day a little more fun (yes comfort food - I know! I know! LOL) and gave me a chance to relive a little bit of Easter weeks after it, and the Easter bunny slid into the realm of the past.... well except on my stomach and love handles where I dare say Easter will linger for just a little while yet!!


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