Sunday, April 19, 2009

Project 289 - Day 33 : Cleanliness is Next to Godliness... So We Must Be Freakin' Saints by Now!

There is a god in heaven because I got to sleep in this morning.

Of course my dreams were full of dancing boxes, pirouetting fridges and Ajax Spray and Wipe packs conga lining through my loungeroom, but sleep in I did, and it was bliss. The bf and I lazed in bed, before getting up mid morning, cooking pancakes, consuming them with lashings of... not ginger beer... lemon juice and sugar (being good Anglophiles - well when it comes to food anyway! Hmm well this particular type of food let's just say!), and then bravely jumping in the car, and heading back of yesterday's crime....

..... where box upon hastily stacked box awaited us at the Flea Palace, along with a kitchen that clearly has been cleaned by the Grotty Previous Tenant's (GPT) 9-10 feral cats (we assume he must have had that many to accumulate the fleas he has, and let's face it, why should only crazy old single ladies have lots of cats?!) when they were blind drunk and using their tongue to wash down the surfaces. So as the bf scrubbed away on the fridge and the cavity it had to fit into, I wiped down cupboard door after cupboard door, Chux'd (yes it makes a particularly fetching verb doesn't it? LOL) the shelves and drawers, and developed wrinkly wet hands with crevices so deep on my fingertips I almost lost the cleaning product's bottle in them. No, really, I worked that hard!!

Eventually we tamed the Kitchen of Wishful Cleaning, made the bed up (strike one for a step towards normalcy!) and drove to Marrickville Metro for some key cutting (more on that later), grocery shopping, pizza slice and Michel's caramel tart eating (yes I was embracing the comfort food with a furious vengeance!) before heading back to my place..... where I promptly crashed out for an hour while the bf raced back to his old abode to grab clothes for the week.....

Then it was off to the Union pub for a yummy meal (Cajun Chicken and Chips, not fries! LOL) with good friends  (through driving wind and rain which was so not delightful) before heading home in fine weather, and a night hopefully NOT filled with dreams of anything but boxes, moving trucks and Chux.


Oh, and the keys? Well the set the bf got cut at work were handed to me because (a) he wanted someone to have a set should he have early onset dementia and leave his keys in the house; and (b), and this is what made my heart go all a-flutter (whaaa I do declare!), he wanted me, as his bf, to have the keys to his apartment. Yes I was touched, and while I know the decision was partly practical, it was also romantic and made my night, sentimental fool that I am!


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