Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Project 289 - Day 28 : Honey They Just Shrunk My Liquid Available Cash! Again!

Today was an off day. 

Normally returning to work after a weekend, and a long weekend especially (when one of those New Orleans funeral parades would work a treat as a way of signifying just how un-joyful the day is), I curse the alarm, wish it was yesterday (having failed to gainfully spend the weekend mastering time travel, lots of wishing is all I have!), do all the fabulous fun things I get to do in the morning (like train travel with 100s of my closest un-emotional 'friends')... and arrive at work to marshall up some enthusiasm for the long busy day ahead.....

Only today, the niggling pain in my lower left jaw went ballistic and a relaxing breakfast of cereal, bananas and Blackberry (the communications device, not the fruit, I'm afraid, which to date is pathetically unable to display even a letter, let alone a whole email: must be why I like the fruit so much! LOL) became an urgent call to my dentist, a dash for the next Chatswood train, and that most surreal of experiences, commuting home mid-morning, when everything seems very Alice In Wonderland-ish and wrong.....

It took a delightful (haha!) 1.5 hours to get home, and my quick trip to the dentist (which was actually enjoyable thanks to the fact that the dentist is a friend, and has a brilliant sink-side manner) rapidly became a follow up trip to the doctor (when the dentist found nothing wrong) followed by a sublime trip to the radiologist for an X-ray and a CT scan.... which have been put off till Thursday because that's the earliest they could fit the CT scan in! What a simply super day it was, Edmund! (Echos of Enid Blyton here).

So it seems only fitting that the first day at work, which is technically now rated as a sick day, involved no actual resting from my ailment but multiple drives, parks, waits, and bills.... which to my utter delight will lead to another day of multiple drives, parks, waits and bills on Thursday.... yes I lead a charming existence at times...... at least I got to see the sun set over the City which normally happens on my way home so there are some small compensations on what was an extremely weird day (OK, not Donnie Darko weird but weird enough).....


Blogger Justin said...

I'm so sleepy. Jus xo

10:09 PM  
Blogger Andrew said...

Ah you poor guy.... I am going to assume that's because you had a late meeting and not the quality of the blog!! LOL A x

5:41 AM  

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