Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Project 289 - Day 21 : The Thin Blue Line of Happiness

I am not entirely if my intense eyes in this shot are a sign of a man absolutely committed and fixated on getting fit, eager to jump into the pool and do as many laps as his tired body will allow; OR of a man trying desperately hard to will himself into a state of being committed and fixated yada yada blah blah.... whatever the reason for the scarily intense blue eyes, I took the shot tonight just before going swimming in the indoor 25m lap pool that sits snugly next to the gym in my apartment complex. Most nights I try to get home and swim but the reality is that most nights since my bronchitis attack in January have revolved more around everything else but swimming.

Well, no more! Last night I got the Speedos off the towel rack where they had resigned themselves to being a pretty piece of decorative lycra for goodness knows how long (who is this Goodness person by the way, and how does she know so much, and should I get an AVO while there's still time? Things to ponder), found my goggles (fortunately under the ever-so-decorative Speedos), and headed off to the pool to try to recapture my past swimming glories. No, I'm not talking gold medals at the Olympics but I am guessing you probably worked that out for yourselves. What I am referring to is the fact that I used to swim 1.5 km without stopping, a feat of endurance that left me, after a few short months, buffed, muscular and ready for anything. Well almost anything. I still have no wish to see Pauline Hanson naked and there's nothing swimming could do to prepare for me for that even if the photos turned out to be fake!

I did surprise myself last night swimming 500m without stopping and then a further 250m before wisely deciding to give my body a rest, relax in the afterglow of endorphins racing like frenzied commuters through my body, and indulge in the feeling of fitness virtue that had eluded me, yea these long few months since January.....


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