Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Project 289 - Day 22 : There's Nothing Like a Sausage in Your Mouth

I have a window desk at work. 

Left like that, that sentence reads like an incredibly self-indulgent piece of corporate oneupmanship that Gordon Gecko would have gloried in. In context, it explains today's fun activity at work - yes I used the word 'fun' and 'work' in the same sentence, and no, I am not using the sorts of drugs that Ben Cousins is now ignoring! - has a lot to do with the view I have which takes in buildings E & F and the lovely courtyard (including duck ponds) that lies between those buildings and the one that houses my Cubicle of Greyness and Death. For just below my window lies the BBQ Ampitheatre area where countless work groups from across all the divisions have BBQs day in and day out, while we toil away like ADHD worker bees. Did we ever use it? Bar a windy rainy day last Melbourne Cup day where we were lucky we weren't blown clear across Sydney into the Harbour, we have sadly ignored this playpen of workplace fun.

Well no more!! Yesterday, using sausages Sammi had brought for another BBQ to celebrate her 1st year at Optus (which was rained out; the BBQ not the 1st year at work!), and gathering close a good group of work friends, we sizzled up gourmet snags, chops and kebabs, put tomato sauce and BBQ sauce on bread, scooped up salads and enjoyed a brief break from the pell mell world we usually inhabit. My chief claim to fame was being the Head Chef and BBQ Guru, which was an unaccustomed super macho role for me but one I inhabited gracefully and enjoyed! I even burnt a sausage or two, thus keeping alive that most sacred of Aussie BBQ rites - the Carcinogenic Snag. Who said I don't respect tradition?! LOL


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