Sunday, April 05, 2009

Project 289 - Day 18 (Saturday 4 April, 2009) : Saturday Child's is Chock Full of Vindaloo

Now that that my Bf's unit has been signed for on the dotted line, and he won't be homeless and and wandering the streets with his sundry possessions, Saturdays are free, up for grabs, and no longer timetabled according to real estate agent's capricious whims. While I had vague plans for venturing to the new unit complex going up next door, and seeing how much of an apartment I can't afford (ah yes Sydney - real estate S & M is big here! LOL), I gave up that up in favour of seeing my friend Fahmi before he jets off to Singapore (for more food that you can poke a chilli crab at!), chilling at home while my lovely guy caught up with an old friend for lunch, reading the paper, napping, and then spending quality time with the bf lazing around. That's the best part about weekends for me since my week's are so highly regulated - doing absolutely freaking nothing on a non-existent timetable!

The one fixture in this blurred day of nothingness was dinner with my very close friends Warren, Ian & Peter at Peter's favourite restaurant, Malabar over in Crow's Nest. The dosai, a chickpea pastry rolled wafer thin and filled with all sorts of spicy potato and meat dishes, were as delicious as ever and we followed them with Beef Vindaloo (the kind that does leave some parts of your mouth intact and functioning!), Lamb Saagwala (no Popeye effects from the spinach at all  dang!), Chicken Chettinad, a goat curry and a curry to keep PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) - eggplant and potato! Washed down with some crisp white wines, we waddled home via the gelato bar and somehow didn't wake up this morning the size of Biggest Loser contestants! 

The thing I appreciate most about nights like this is the chance to see my three closest friends, now joined by my bf whom they all like (thank goodness - but then was there any doubt they would?!), and just kick back, talk, and be reminded that even though life gets harried, stressed, and down right Rottweiler-nasty at times, that the spirit of it all is suffused by the warmth and generosity of friends.... and curry....and wine..... and gelato....


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