Monday, April 20, 2009

Project 289 - Day 34 : If Molars Were Horses, Mine Would Be Stuffed

So today I didn't have to go to work! Yay!

But I did have to go to the dentist! Boo! Thankfully my dentist, a good friend, is absolutely brilliant at what he does, and after a fortifying course of croissant and apple juice, I sat down in his chair, got the left side of my face number till I am fairly certain they were able to lift it off my head and work on it away from the rest of me (hey how would I have known it had gone?! (a) I couldn't feel a thing and (b) I was engrossed in Mel and Kochie on 'Sunrise' and the texting services inability to type quickly AND accurately! So engrossed in fact I missed several instructions from the dentist...oops!). There was one small hiccup - the suction system refused to work properly for about 1/2 hour but eventually that got up and running and we were drilling, and gouging and polishing and prodding and poking, while I felt not a freaking thing! Got to love that! (Although you may not love the shot of my mouth with the new molars gleaming in the background - see below)

In the end I was in the dentist's chair for almost 2 hours and the main issue was the cramping of my moving-stressed calf muscles as they lay outstretched in the chair. That made a delightful change from most dentist's where my main concern was how to survive the feeling that they were drilling for oil in the back blocks of my gums. In this case, I felt nothing (bar the enormous slug to the credit card), the dentist explained what he'd done and what should hopefully happen (i.e. a cessation of pain),and I traipsed out of there (yes traipsed.... and why not I say? I had just survived a visit to the dentist!! LOL) for a spot of retail therapy (yes nothing like spending more money as my mouth, and car, sent me happily tripping to insolvency!), a nap and eventually, when the numbing had worn off, lunch.... and drooling... yes, lots and lots of drooling of socially isolating drooling!!!LOL


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