Sunday, April 19, 2009

Project 289 - Day 32 (Saturday, 18 April, 2009): Ya Gotsta Move It, Move it!

I love to be moved.....

Watching the final scene in a dramatic movie, regardless of whether the ending is bad or good, and crying bucket loads of tears (why is there no Gatorade on tap in cinemas where it's really needed hmm?). Seeing someone surmount an impossible obstacle with sheer grit, determination, and chutzpah worthy of a champion. Seeing a friend achieve a much sought after goal and being there every agonising, joyful step of the way......

Oh yes all those moments are wonderful to be a part of, and no doubt, have been denuded of all authentic emotional resonance on some sickly inspirational poster with an eagle on it somewhere..... what I don't love to be moved by is a 3 tonne hire truck as it trundles along to Marrickville, as it trundles along to collect all the world goods of my darling man. It's not that I don't want to help him; I would happily do anything if it made my guy happy. Rather it's that I would have you gouge my kidney out with a blunt HB pencil in a fetid slum than carry boxes, and sundry furniture items up and down tiny stairwells. (Hmm, perhaps I exaggerate a tad - frankly the slum option makes boxes full of cook books look damn near inviting!) But haul boxes, schlepp fridges and dressers, and bags full of kitchen goods up and down stairs I did in a near record 4.5 hours with 3 close friends and the bf, all for the joy of knowing I have saved him a whole heap of stress, and gained a good ol' helping of KFC and Gatorade along the way (see below).

There was some drama along the way. Getting the truck in and out of a narrow driveway down the sides of the apartment block  with just 1 cm clearance below one of the overhanging balconies on the way out; occasional flares of tension over the best way to pack the truck.... and wondering if Jack would get Rose safely off the.... wait, no, that's 'Titanic'.... anyway, we were busy but surprisingly had fun laughing and joking as you do with very good friends, even in sweaty exhausting situations. It's often the only way to get through them....

But thankfully, it was done mid-afternoon, the bf & I returned the truck and then crashed for the night before pizza and a "Vicar of Dibley" episode content in the knowledge that all the boxes and furniture were out of his friend's garage, and ready to be unpacked...oh man! Why did I even let that thought cross my mind?!


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