Monday, April 27, 2009

Project 289 - Day 41 : Its Chilly Brr..... Rejoice For Frosty the Snowman is Here!

Winter has arrived!! 

OK technically it is still Autumn, or Fall, for those closest to the Swine Flu pandemic, but the temps are dropping by the day and today was the first day I felt like could walk to the train, and not sweat to death (which let's face it is a big no-no when commuting; apart from anything else, if your fellow commuters get uncomfortable looking at you, imagine if they had to look at your corpse! They'd likely explode from discomfort). At this point, I haven't brought out the Funkiest Gayest Black Jacket Ever Made, but it can't be long. For now, though, I am content to bask in the falling temps, enjoy the chill in the air, and give thanks to any and all deities that the days of perspiring like a mad man are in abeyance for at least 4-5 months. It also saves me emigrating to Norway, which while a lot colder for longer (and full of reindeer, which is a great feature of any country), is not in Australia, a country I am fond of, and would rather miss. Far better to stay put, see my friends and family,  enjoy the chilly weather while it's here, and not have to learn Norwegian, which while a lovely language, frankly could be a little time consuming and may involve excessive one on one reindeer time, for which my beach-rich childhood has ill-prepared me.


Another lovely part of today was my afternoon catch up with the other Executive Assistant I work with. The ever lovely Sandra & I meet once a week in the Bistro on campus, to talk about work, and our lives, and to escape our respective Cubicles of Death and Greyness (at least for an hour) while sipping machiatos (her) and skinny chai lattes (me). Admittedly it is still perilously close to where we work, but at least we get a chance to unloose the shackles of Outlook, run from reports, and whatever other somewhat poetic work allusions I can make, and that is a VGT (Very Good Thing). Now if we could involve Star Trek matter transportation and beam ourselves for an hour to the Bahamas, that would be even better. Actually if we did invent something that revolutionary then I am fairly certain (and don't quote me on this!) that we wouldn't be working! But while we do work, and I'd say the odds of that continuing are better than creating science reality (especially I failed all major science courses at high school), we will meet at 2 pm Mondays for coffee, conversation, and the sweet illusion of freedom.


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