Sunday, April 26, 2009

Project 289 - Day 38 (Friday 24 April, 2009) : TGIF and the Best Laid Plans of Outlook and Men

I am a huge fan of Fridays... what sane person isn't?

Well I guess there are possibly some workaholics out there who mourn the end of the working week, and look with fear and trepidation on a weekend full of relaxing at cafes, shopping, movies, catch ups with friends etc. I am not one of those people and will happily hand my Crackberry to the first person who puts in a decent bid for it! Oh hell, who cares about a decent bid?! I'll give it to the first passerby who looks vaguely in need of time management and the ability to read and respond to emails on the go. Street people, grandmothers anyone really....

The plan today was to go to Macquarie Centre, the shopping mall near work, and fritter away 1.5 hours, using up all the lunch times I don't take in a given week, when I sit glued to my desk eating food faster than a hummingbird feasting on a nectar-laden flower (yes it is a charmingly poetic image - I expect to hear from Hallmark any nanosecond). Alas, my partner in crime, Sammi, who work have wandered into Borders and JB Hifi and eaten gourmet bagels with me, was too busy and couldn't come Friday chilling with me (she has the car) so I sat at my desk and recreated an avian-like moment from a David Attenborough nature doco. So much for the bohemian cubicle-scorning TGIF fun I had planned!

The day, which is supposed to be the one day of the week, where I get to wind down just a little, replete in my casual Friday clothing, actually ended up being reasonably frenetic in the end, which violates any number of Australian laws, I'm sure!! Then I rushed home, grabbed the ingredients for the stir fry at Coles Wynyard (where I bought yet another Green Bag to add to the 2-3 trillion swamping my kitchen cupboard), and changed sheets, cooked food, did a load of washing before collapsing in a heap when my bf walked in the door. 

Perhaps it wasn't as dramatic as that but I was highly tempted! Eschewing the melodramatic touch of the vapours I had been planning, I instead spent a delightfully relaxed evening watching "Midsomer Murders" on the ABC (yes I now stay in and watch old fogey dramas on the ABC on a Friday night....psst don't tell anyone!! LOL) cuddled up with the bf. It was only when walking into the bedroom, finally chilled after an unexpectedly chaotic day that I snapped the photo above, which shows all the thrown-onto-the-stereo speaker detritus of my day, speaking volumes of a day that promised calm wind down to the weekend, and delivered instead a day that would've been quite at home on a Monday or Tuesday.


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