Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 273: Clouds and Bridget

Another fabulous morning and more fabulous sunrise shots and pretty clouds on a dawn sky ...

After a busy morning I met Ellen at Palace for Yum Cha and lots of fab conversation ... and she paid for the meal as her birthday present to me which was so sweet!

And then home to rest, shower and go out again to see Julia Gillard speak about her book My Story at Leichhardt Town Hall with my fab friend Bridget. We even got our books signed which was exciting! Julia Gillard is so warm, friendly and funny. Then drove from there to Cleveland Street to a jazz club to meet up with Bridget's boyfriend Dave and his friends for a fabulous night of jazz, wine and burgers ...

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Monday, September 29, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 272: Pink fairy floss sunrise and The Little Death

Out walking with Waz and greeted by a GORGEOUS pink-frosted cloudy sunrise ...

And finished the day off seeing The Little Death at Dendy Opera Quays for free - Steve got two tickets from Fahmi for his birthday - which wasn't bad but wasn't good either ... kinds disappointing and a little weird at times ...

And snapped a piece of chalk-based street art at the railway tunnel on Coulson Street on my way back from the train ...

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Sunday, September 28, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 271: Sandwiches

After running from delightful pillar to post yesterday, Steve and I spent today chilling, napping, blogging and eating homemade sandwiches at his place.

Pure bliss.

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Saturday, September 27, 2014

Sitting here wondering if I'm Pollyanna or Eeyore - Day 270: Brunch away from home ... and AFL GF

Started the day with brunch at Walsh Bay with Steve Moore and lots of others including Fahmi and John Spracklin so we could meet or catch up (some people knew her already) with Steve's gorgeous, lovely, sweet mum Gloria. Fabulous morning - food was fab, cafe staff so warm and friendly and we had endlessly lovely conversation. Perfect.

Then we zoomed home to watch the AFL Grand Final which Hawthorn won!!

Before heading out for dinner ...

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