Thursday, February 28, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 59 - Haircut ... and a big walk.

What a night!

Another #cityfail debacle as loose plates on Harbour Bridge shut off all North Shore trains in both directions forcing me to walk across the Bridge again. Took 40 minutes including train from Circ Quay to Town Hall to get to haircut at Just Cuts.

Was so tired had sushi at Makanai for dinner then bought some DVDs and CDs at JB.

Home to watch an episode of Modern Family with Aidan and to eat two hot cross buns with butter.

Night ended well with a call from my guy.

... and finally the haircut!

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Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 58 - Glorious pinks and blues of sunrise

The sunrise was gorgeous this morning and helped take the edge of getting the 6.40 train (wanted to do some extra personal blogging at work).

The pinks and blues were SO beautiful!

Even made the station sort of kinda pretty ...


Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 57 - Earl-i in the morning while walking

Walking with Fahmi today along King Street.

Never ceases to amaze me how busy it gets at 5.30 in the morning.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 56 - Zara with her shoes on

My niece Zara is loving dancing and even more so now she has her fabulous new dancing shoes!

She looks so grownup in this shot!

Plus, you can never have enough of my darling niece, here she is dressed up as a pirate while playing with friends in rainy weather (16 February).

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 55 - Chill-pickling away!

Nice lazy day at Steve's place.

Late brunch - 12.30! LOL - and then some blogging, reading, napping and TV watching.

Perfect blend of achieving a little and relaxing a lot.

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Saturday, February 23, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 54 - Reading the Saturday paper

Apart from a brief excursion to Cinema Paris to see a movie with Ian tonight - one of the Mardi Gras Film Festival ones, Sex of the Angels, which was EXCELLENT - it was a late sleep in, relaxed brunch, chill and read kind of day, which is exactly what we both needed.

Also Spectrum in the SMH had an article on an author who I recently interviewed, Catherine Howell, and who is now a Tweep.

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Friday, February 22, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 53 - It's all Greek food to me

Straight from work to a delightful and YUMMY dinner with Steve's old work friends Jeff and Ann, and Gary and Janet who are so lovely to spend time with.

And the food was delicious!

The lamb shoulder was fall-off-the-bone soft and dessert was amazing - ouzo-soaked strawberries with custard and a rosewater fairyfloss.

Fab night!

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TGIF Funnies - Friday 22 February 2013

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Thursday, February 21, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 52 - Baclava

Yummy day!

Baclava for afternoon tea thanks to leftovers from an end-of-class morning tea by the Life Writing class.

Followed by a delicious dinner with my beautiful guy at Makanai on Pitt Street. YUM on all fronts!

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 51 -

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Holding the Reins of the Runaway Extrovert 2013: Day 50 - Goodbye Richard Briers

Sad day.

Richard Briers, who played Tom Good in one of my favourite sitcoms of all time, The Good Life, died today and it really affected me deeply. (Steve broke the news to me.)

Here's some tweets about it and my tribute to him. I also watched two episodes last night of the show - "I Talk To the Trees" and "Whose Fleas Are These?" (in a weird but charming act of synchronicity, the photo I picked yesterday to head my post is from one of the episodes I watched!)

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