Sunday, October 02, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 275 - Warm the Houses.... in Croydon and Erko!

What a fabulous day!

Long sleep in - making up for losing the hour of sleep that the start of Daylight Saving robbed from us wantonly and with scant regard for our vitality and sense of unending zinginess - then off to the lovely Elle's in Croydon for a Lord of the Rings marathon with her equally lovely sister Beth, her delightful boyfriend, Lachlan, and friends from my writing group, Selina, Jacqueline and Nick. Now to be honest, we missed the first movie entirely, and lost about 1/2 hour of Two Towers but watched it in all its extended glory from 2.30 to 5.45 before watching the first 45 minutes of Return of the King. As is Peter Jackson's want, there was a heap of new extended material that really didn't add much to the story in one sense, but which was wonderfully rich and involving anyway. We also riffed off each other beautifully, creating what to us at least was fantastically hilarious commentary. My gorgeous guy and I had so much fun and I can't wait for the rumoured Star Wars marathon. That will be fun!!

Raced back home from Elle's for the premiere of new show Terra Nova, which is set 85 million years in the future, where mankind, having destroyed the Earth of 2149, is attempting to re-start civilisation in a different time stream, with hopefully far better results than the first time. It was fun, if a little lightweight, and family drama-ish, but we (Waz, Fahmi, Aiden, my gorgeous guy and I) ate Alberto's pizzas, drank wine and had a rollicking good time!

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