Sunday, October 02, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 273 (Friday 30 September) - M-M-M-Migraine!


Busy uneventful Friday that started early checking on the food and arrangements for a major business breakfast my boss had that was supposed to feature a long, relaxed lunch at Macquarie Centre with my good work friend, Bill until.... MIGRAINE.

Cityrail Art #3 (thanks to Instagram and it's photo creating fun!)  - took this on the way home with the migraine threatening to break into full flight at any time (fortunately think I got the pain killers into my system just in time)

I lasted an hour and a half before heading home for a long nap about 2pm, and I am so glad I did as I wouldn't have lasted at work very long after the pain hit. Sadly it did mean I missed out on going to a special event my gorgeous guy had won attendance to -  a rehearsal session plus drinks with the Australian Chamber Orchestra. Thankfully, my dear friend Fahmi was able to go, in my place so my guy wasn't alone, and thankfully again, my beautiful man made it home by 9pm (by which time the migraine had receded, leaving me drained but pain free) so we could eat some yummy Indian food, and snuggle in front of the TV before bed.

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