Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hands Full of Glitter and Tofu : 2011 Day 265 - I Slept

Yes people after a frantic week, including a Wednesday to remember (more on that soon but for now it has to be all tantalisingly secret squirrel-ish!), I was so tired that I eschewed shopping at MYER for new Christmas ornaments (shock horror and gasping disbelief!) and headed home to eat chocolate, lentils for dinner (not together although I was so tired it is possible I did do just that), watch an episode of Warehouse 13 season 13 (just for the record, Aiden - my house mate - we watched episode 2; we keep forgetting where we're up to!), and head to bed by 9pm, asleep by 9.40 and pretty much sound asleep for almost 8 hours.


(Yes I will take any excuse I can to feature cats in just about any blog posting!)



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